Thursday, October 17, 2013

Professional Stockmaking, By David Wesbrook

Recently I acquired a copy of David Wesbrook's book on stockmaking. I had been aware of this book for a quite some time and had always meant to pick up a copy. Dave had one of the older copies in his possession and was kind enough to let it go. I first met Dave while on a pilgrimage to visit Fred Wells shop almost 30 years ago and we have kept in touch ever since that introduction all those years ago.

I enjoy reading right around dawn with a strong cup of coffee when the house is still quiet and the day full of possibilities. I usually read 10-20 pages and then head to the shop. I finished this book in two mornings and have since gone back and re-read a few select chapters. As a professional in the trade I found the text concise and very well written. The pictures are simply superb. If I were a budding hobbyist or journeyman the pages would be dog-eared and covered finger prints within a month.

Anyone interested in stockmaking from the casual observer or the seasoned practitioner will find this book an excellent addition to their library. Two thumbs up !!!!!!!

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